Then the question arose that what are the symptoms and warning signs one should look for, regarding depression. Here is the list.
- Detachment from the surroundings.
- Lack of interest in the things one used to love
- Excess or lack of sleep
- Feeling low or no energy at all
- Feeling unwanted or defeated
- Difficulty in concentrating or focusing on things.
- Confusion
- Sudden changes in appetite – eating too much or very less
- Negative and suicidal thoughts.
A lack of decision-making ability.
Depression is not only a feeling of sadness but rather a dark shadow of hopelessness, sadness, and negativity that looms over an individual for a very long period of time making everything and everyone seem non-interesting and worthy of engagement.
A constant feeling like this not only harms the person emotionally but gives birth to a number of complexities. Depression can become the root cause of various diseases like diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.
Knowing this provides an answer to why more than 45% of Pakistanis are suffering from high blood pressure, doesn’t it? Studies shows that 33.62% of the Pakistani population suffers from depression or generalized anxiety disorders. This is almost 1/3rd of the totality of our nation. The percentage of depression amongst females stands at 45.5% whereas 27% of the males also fall victim to it. Pakistan was ranked as one of the countries with the lowest number of the psychiatric hospital.
Depression, when left untreated, can lead to chronic physical diseases. But what is more alarming is the fact that although depression, directly, is not related to any addictions. But the void one goes through in this phase often leads to the person resorting to alcoholism or drug abuse or anything else in an attempt to make him feel better.
Moreover, In extreme and very rare cases, depression also leads to thoughts that the individual is unworthy of living his life and leads to suicidal thoughts which, if left unattended, ultimately leads the person in taking his own life.
Men, in our society, feel like they cannot admit to any mental health issues because it will make them less of a man. This is because of this stereotyped image of a man that the world have created. They feel abnormal to admit to these issues. Hence, our society has made this topic a taboo and their flawed perception has led us to become one lowest literate nation with mental health awareness.
The only hope that our nation is left with is the efforts of well-aware individuals, who can help several people by spreading awareness to the ground level.
Youngsters can provide their elders with the required facts and knowledge that enable them to break free of these stereotypes and perceptions of depression and other mental health issues. Furthermore, awareness programs should be held on a macro level to ensure that the required knowledge is being passed and understood by the masses.
“Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die”
Depression is real and serious like anything. It is the main cause behind 99% of suicides and if a thing is so strong that can convince people in taking their own life, it should be consider as a threat. just look around you and try to look for the ones showing symptoms of depression. Talk to them, make them feel wanted, make them speak to you and listen to them as long as they want to. It might sounds like some ordinary things but trust me they can make all the difference in someone’s life.