


Massive fire erupted in Lahore's Hafeez Centre

A massive fire erupted in Lahore's Hafeez Centre on Sunday morning, with flames engulfing four of the centre's floors as firefighters tried to put out the blaze.

A number of officials reached the site, including Lahore Commissioner Zulfiqar Ghuman, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mudassir Riaz and Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh.

Eyewitnesses said the fire started on the second floor of the building but gradually travelled to the fourth floor. CCPO Sheikh said 25 people had been rescued from the building so far and there were no reports of casualties so far.

While talking to the media, the DC said the fire has been brought under control to a "significant extent", adding that focus was now on parts of the building still on fire.

"Workers from Rescue 1122 and fire department are present at the site and are working on putting out the fire. Snorkels are also present and all resources will be utilised," he said. 

Lahore Commissioner Ghuman has constituted an inquiry committee to look into the incident and directed it to submit a report within 24 hours. The committee includes officials from Metropolitan Corporation of Lahore (MCL) and Rescue 1122. The fire broke out due to a short circuit. 

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar took notice of the incident and directed that authorities use all resources to put out the fire.

"Priority should be given to rescuing people stuck inside [the building]," he said and directed "immediate investigation" into the incident.

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