


Do you want to know the location and country of the sender of the email?

 Mostly but not always, we are interested to know some of the details about the sender of the email and the most important of those details is to know the country where the sender was when he sent that message. It is fact that many of the messages do not carry that content, which reflects the reliability of the author.

Some of us have received and still receiving e-mails since the beginning of the millennium and anonymous claims that her husband is a rebel leader in a region of South Africa where her husband was assassinated, who left millions of dollars behind... And so on, these are the tricky dramas. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to check the state through which the message was reached. You don't need to respond to those messages as much as curiosity in verifying their content.

How do you know the location and country of the sender of the email

The default way of knowing the country and geographical location as the technical definitions is done by knowing the IP number of the sender at the moment mail message was sent, this IP is easy to access if our mail is on yahoo or hotmail servers where it is displayed at the top of the message, but it is always in secret mode if we are using Google Mail (Gmail).

Here, with the email we have to access the sender's IP number manually and this is what we will present here in this article in simple steps.

  • Sign in to your Email account how much through your computer.
  • Browse the message from your inbox whose sender you want to verify.

Click on the three points anchored at the top of the message

  • From there choose show original

  • Look at the SPF field where you will find the sender's IP number, copy it and go to those sites that, according to its database, display the necessary details about the ip number mentioned. You will get to know the country, which is the most important thing, and then the default location of the sender.

  • You can use one of the following tracking sites:



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