


Drinking coffee or tea in paper cups causes to swallow thousands of microplastics


Scientists have warned that drinking coffee or tea in paper cups is not only a waste of money, but also puts you at risk of swallowing 25,000  microplastics.

A new study revealed that a hot drink in paper cups can be contaminated with small plastic particles in just minutes.

This contamination comes from the inner lining of the mug, which makes it waterproof and difficult to recycle.

The researchers poured hot water into 100ml paper cups and left them for 15 minutes.

And this is the time, according to surveys, that most people prefer to quit their drink.

When the researchers examined the hot water under a powerful microscope, they found an average of 25,000 microplastics per cup.

Minerals such as zinc, lead and chromium are also found in the water. The researchers suggested that these materials came from the plastic liner.

Dr Sudha Goel, lead author of the study from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, a city in West Bengal state, said: “The average person who drinks three regular cups of tea or coffee per day, in a paper cup, will end up consuming 75,000 small particles of plastic. Tiny invisible to the naked eye.

"Microplastics act as a carrier of pollutants such as ions and toxic heavy metals such as palladium, chromium and cadmium. When taken regularly over time, the health effects can be serious," added Dr. Goel, whose study was published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials.

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