


Drinking 2 Things in the Morning Could Save Your Life, Study Finds

Everyone who's looking after their health tends to focus on two things: the physical activities they're doing and the foods and drinks they're consuming. For those living with diabetes, however, monitoring what you eat and drink is a constant task. And while "everything in moderation" tends to be the common mantra, it turns out that a rather large quantity of two drinks in particular could decrease your risk of dying from the disease. A recent study found that drinking a hefty amount of coffee and green tea each day is associated with a 63 percent lower all-cause mortality rate among people with type-2 diabetes. Read on to find out more, and for other coffee news to be aware of, if you can smell this, you are drinking too much Caffeine, study finds.

The scientists studied 4,923 patients, with an average age of 66, for a period of over five years. Allowing for other variables, the researchers found that those who just drank four or more cup of green tea per day had 40 percent lower odds of dying during the study's follow-up period.

Similarly, coffee has been shown to lower one's risk of developing type-2 diabetes, but on this occasion, the researchers looked at those already living with diabetes. And the study, which published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, found that drinking two or more cups of coffee per day decreased all-cause mortality by a comparable 41 percent.

Drinking both caffeinated beverages maximized the benefits. "The combination of higher green tea and coffee consumption significantly reduced all-cause mortality risk by 63 percent," the study authors wrote. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea and two or more cups of coffee unlocked that benefit.

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