Many users of WhatsApp application depend on it to send text or even audio messages, or even use it to send files, images, videos and other files that can be shared within the application. When you take a brief look at the WhatsApp folder in your phone's gallery, you will find thousands of photos and videos there. It will seem like full of chaos, and here you need to free up some space in the phone and there is no way but to select all files and delete them. But, now WhatsApp has introduced a better way to manage the files stored in the app.
This method is recently introduced in the app and in settings only. As this method allows you to manage the content in the application and in the conversations, including pictures, videos, audio clips, and other files. The new feature allows users to delete photos or videos from a specific WhatsApp chat. The tool also allows you to easily identify and delete items in one go that fill up your storage space.
The new storage management tool also groups WhatsApp data into categories such as “Forwarded multiple times” and “Over 5MB”, among others. Through this feature, users can easily identify the content that they do not need or do not want to have on the phone and delete it from the application itself without the need to access the phone files and review them one by one.
Now, we will finally review the official feature of WhatsApp to professionally manage files in the application.
Steps to access the storage/ file management feature in WhatsApp
First of all, you must have the latest version of WhatsApp application on your Android or iPhone phone. Here you must enter the application store and update the application on your phone.
After you update the app, open it directly. From the upper right or left corner, click on the three vertical points, and select the settings option.
From the Settings interface that appeared, enter the ‘Storage and data’ field.
With this you can take control of this new Whatsapp file management tool. You will find that the application shows you a detailed picture of all the files in the application, as well as classified in a distinctive way.
If you want to know the files that are in each conversation separately. Just scroll down and choose which conversations you want.
Here, you can specify the files that you want to delete from this specific conversation, including pictures, videos, files and audio clips. You can either select it as a whole and delete it at once. Or, you can select what you want to delete and get rid of it permanently.
And that's all there is to it, regarding the WhatsApp file management tool. You can rely on it from this moment on and enjoy using it every time you want to manage storage space in the app.