The office of the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, announced that lead and nickel poisoning may be the cause of a mysterious outbreak of the disease in the region, as their particles were discovered in water and milk.
Symptoms of the mysterious disease include dizziness, seizures that last for 3-5 minutes, sudden coma, loss of memory within a few minutes, headache, pain in the back, chills and foaming in the mouth.
According to local authorities data, the number of people infected with the mysterious disease(Eluru) reached 505, of whom more than 370 have recovered and 120 are still in hospitals, and 19 have been transferred to hospitals in major cities to obtain comprehensive medical care.
According to the office, the Institute of Chemical Technology, in cooperation with other Indian institutes, is conducting an additional study, the results of which are expected soon.
"The state's prime minister has ordered the authorities to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the heavy metal content in patients' bodies, and to follow up on their treatment continuously," the office statement said.