


Posche's new hypercar concepts

     The concept of cars is an important tool for both hypothesizing and imagining           the future of respective vehicles as well as a marketing technique used to garner
     attention for future endeavors. All of these designs do not necessarily come into manifestation.                                                                                                   
   Porsche recently revealed some designs of car concepts that were never before shown by them to the public eye. It would be releasing a book soon, "Porsche Unseen" with its concept car designs that were constructed during 2005-2019.
The recent glimpses of some concept vehicle designs showcase their ideas in         regards to stylistic choices and ventures in the future. The chairman of Porsche          stated that these designs are necessary for providing the company ideas for which style they are going for days and years to come.                                                
  One of which is Porsche's vision, Renndienst. A diversion from their usual style of flashy cars. This was a family van of sorts. The company suggested how the   vehicle had the ability to carry about seven passengers but still have a Porsche-like unique quality about it.                                                                                     
Porsche 919 Street is a design to provide a fast pace, exuberant experience to the drivers that are yet amateur. Porsche Vision Spyder seems to have both an old 1950's spirit as well as some new touch-ups to bring about the modern Porsche flare.                                                                                                                 

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