Japanese automaker Honda has promised to eliminate 99.8% of viruses with a filter called "Coromaco".
The Japanese company Honda introduced its product, "Coromaco", a "filter" placed in the salon car, and promised to eliminate the viruses inside it.
It can be said that this "filter" performs a function similar to that of the "nose and mouth muzzle" used by humans, i.e. preventing the spread of viruses.
The Japanese company explains that the product has a special surface capable of capturing the virus, to destroy it with a chemical reaction to zinc phosphate, which is used to prevent rust.
Coromaco can eliminate viruses inside the car's seating areas, such as those that are attached to humans when, for example, shopping, even for a short time.
Honda believes that Coromaco can eliminate 99.8% of viruses that move inside the vehicle within 15 minutes of the car's ventilation, while viruses on surfaces will be eliminated within 24 hours.
The new candidate has a life span and must be replaced annually or after a distance of 15,000 kilometers.