


Few simple steps to extend the life of phone screens

"The problem of burning or damaging the screen has become one of the huge problems facing smartphone users in recent years, because people are using these devices more often than before and switching their devices less, and as a result, after two years of use, problems begin to appear on the motherboard and the screens of those devices, and the effects of these problems appear on the screen interface," said Dmitry Ryabinin, a technical expert and head of Hi-Tech at the Russian Mail.ru website.

"Initially, screen problems appear in areas where white and blue are displayed more frequently, i.e. in the areas where the keyboard and the top bar of the screen appear where the hour and date indicators appear." There's no way to address these issues after they arise, but the screen can be extended and maintained if you follow a few simple steps and recommendations."

One of the things that helps to prolong the life of the phone screen according to the expert is the use of dark backgrounds in the operating interfaces, as it is recommended to use the timer to turn off the automatic screen that locks and turns off the screen if the phone is not used, preferably adjusting the duration of the timer not more than 5 minutes, these things help to keep the screen from being damaged accordingly.

The expert also advises against significantly increasing the screen brightness of the phone, and not to use operating backgrounds that automatically change background images continuously.

Ryabinin warned against buying phones displayed on the facades of electronics stores, which are sold at usually attractive prices, as these devices often worked for long periods before selling them, according to him , "if problems do not appear in these devices immediately after purchase, they will appear several months", and when buying the phone according to the expert "it is preferable that the manufacturer of the device is the same that produces screens and other parts of the device.

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