Smart watches and wearable fitness devices may be able to play an important role in the early detection of the coronavirus, according to recent studies.
Researchers from Mount Sinai have discovered that Apple Watch can detect small changes in a user's heartbeat that may indicate that they are infected with the Coronavirus a week before they feel sick.
One company is developing a dedicated wearable device to detect coronavirus, helping to stop the spread of the disease by keeping people with no symptoms at home.
In a study entitled Warrior Watch, Mount Sinai researchers followed a group of 297 healthcare workers between April 29 and September 29.
Participants wore Apple Watches equipped with special apps that measure changes in heart rate variability.
The study said: The clock showed significant changes in heart rate variability measures for up to seven days before individuals received a positive nose swab confirming mers-CoV infection.
A similar study by Stanford University found that participants who wore a variety of tracking devices from Fitbit, Apple, Jarmen and others found that 81 percent of patients with CORONA virus had changes in the heart rate during rest up to nine and a half days before symptoms appeared.
Many people may not have the widest symptoms of CORONA virus, which means they have no symptoms but are still contagious, and this makes it difficult to contain this infection using the traditional method of identifying and quarantining the patient.
The study said that developing a way to identify people who may be sick even before they know they are infected would be a breakthrough in the management of the CORONA virus.
"This technology not only allows us to track and predict health outcomes, but also allows us to intervene in a timely manner, which is necessary during a pandemic that requires people to stay separate.
Researchers were not the only ones to notice the early symptoms of CORONA virus that could be captured by smartwatches.
A company called NeuTigers has developed an artificial intelligence product called CovidDeep that can help identify people living with HIV in clinical situations or care homes.
The company used a wearable device to monitor clinically grade patients, Empatica E4, to take a variety of skin readings, heart rate and blood pressure.
Feeding this information in CovidDeep, the company found that it can detect the virus at a rate of 90 percent — more accurate than normal temperature tests.
It plans to produce its app that can work with Fitbit, Apple, Samsung and other smartwatches.