If you read technical news regularly, you may be familiar with WhatsApp's new privacy update. According to the revised policy, WhatsApp will share your data with Facebook and a third party (Facebook's advertising app). Later, however, the company postponed the policy; however, it was not convincing enough to prevent users from looking into its alternatives. So far, there are many WhatsApp alternatives available for Android and iOS users. They are called instant messaging apps such as Signal, Telegram, etc. It offers better privacy and security features than WhatsApp.
If you switch to Signal, you must be looking for a way to keep your conversations with your contacts free from loss. The best and easiest solution here seems to be to back up all the conversations you have in the app. It's not much different from the chat backup that takes place in WhatsApp. The idea is the same, but the steps are almost different from this last application, due to the nature of the design of the application and the naming of its tools. When you back up Signal Backup conversations, you'll be able to retrieve these conversations on a new phone or even on the same phone after the app is deleted for any purpose.
The right way and how to fully back up the Signal chats. Whether it's a written chat or even for photos, videos, and documents that are shared in those conversations.
Steps to back up conversations in signal
First of all, install the Signal app in your phone to the latest version, whether your phone is running android or iPhone. This is because the same steps are in both systems.
Now once the app is installed and you sign in to it. Click from the main interface of your account in the app on the account icon. At the top left or right of the screen, depending on the language of the application.
Each will now appear with a new interface with a dimension of options and settings that you can set. But from this interface just click on the chats or Chats option.
With this, you have done a backup of your conversations in the app. It's only enough to back up or back you up in the app by clicking on the create a backup option or Create backup. In doing so, you have been able to back up conversations in the Signal app.