


A tapeworm larvae were discovered in a woman's brain, after a week-long headache

In Australia, doctors discovered the presence of tapeworm larvae in the brain of a 25-year-old woman after suffering from a headache that lasted for more than a week. 

The pain was caused by a tapeworm larvae that occupied a place in its brain, according to a new study of its condition by the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene published on September 21.
The study indicated that the woman who has never traveled abroad, is the first domestic case of this disease in Australia.
Previous Australian cases of this infection were from returning migrants or residents who had traveled to endemic regions, such as Africa, Asia and Latin America.
An MRI scan showed a cyst containing tapeworm larvae in the woman's brain.
Over the past seven years, the woman has complained of a headache that occurs 2 to 3 times a month and disappears with the use of prescribed migraine medications.
But her last headache lasted for more than a week, and was accompanied by severe visual symptoms, including blurring of her central vision.
After an MRI session of her brain, doctors thought that the cause of her pain might be from a tumor, but after an operation to remove it, they discover that it is actually a cyst filled with tapeworm larvae.
And after the cyst was removed, the woman did not need further treatment.
This condition is known as "neurocysticercosis" (neurocysticercosis), and it can cause neurological symptoms when larvae cysts develop in the brain. 
People suffer from this parasitic infection by swallowing eggs in the feces of a person infected with intestinal tapeworms, according to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "CDC", and it has stated that cysticercosis is fatal, and that it is a major cause of the emergence of epilepsy in adults all over the world.
Tapeworms usually live in the human intestine and cause an infection known as tapeworms.
This parasite is most commonly transmitted when people consume undercooked pork, as pigs are hosts for tapeworms, or when in contact with food, water, and soil contaminated with tapeworm eggs.

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