


Improving Quality of Education by Evaluating the Capacity of Lecturers Using a Web Based System

Evaluating the capacity of lecturer is the key to improve quality of education by improving lecturer capacity in higher education institution. Lecturer’s capacity has been evaluated using different parameters in Assosa University, Ethiopia. Mandatorily, lecturers are evaluated using printed check list. For the last few years we observed that, the lecturer efficiency score is found on the shelf and not checked by anyone to know the gaps and to establish follow-up system. The use of intranet based web system is better to use lecturer’s efficiency result to monitor their performance and to establish follow-up mechanism.

At present, all Universities in Ethiopia uses paper based evaluation system to measure lecturers’ efficiency. The process of this manual system requires high labor, significant timing and resources from preparation to reporting the results. In addition, there is no consistent and constant lecturer’s record keeping system in the university. Moreover, it has no significance rather than getting some number as a score. This is because no one is going back to the score to check the efficiency of the lecturer to provide feedback and to establish follow-up system of lecturers.

Appraising performance of lecturers will be interesting and easily accessible if it is supported by web based system. It provides a number of benefits like elimination of printed evaluation forms, keeping of accuracy, confidentiality and integrity of evaluation data, generating timely and accurate report, increasing participation of students in the evaluation process, saving costs and others [12].The process of evaluating lecturers involves three parties: students, colleagues and the head of department. The head of department is at the center of managing lecturers’ evaluation. In the context of Assosa University, Ethiopia, web based tool is required for its effectiveness, to create easy communication among all parties and to establish follow up mechanism. Therefore, there is need for a system to manage lecturers’ evaluation process and to help lecturers to use the evaluation result for performance improvement. In this study, yearbook efficiency management system is proposed and implemented to monitor the performance of lecturers.

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