


Saudi Arabia is moving towards abolishing the sponsorship system in the country


The Saudi Ministry of Resources responds to reports about the abolition of the sponsorship system

The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development responded to media reports, which indicated that Saudi Arabia is moving towards abolishing the sponsorship system in the country, after its implementation for a period of 7 decades.

The  ministry’s spokesperson, Nasser Al-Hazani, said in a tweet that the ministry is working on many initiatives to organize and develop the labor market, and it will announce this if it is ready.

The Ministry also called upon everyone to obtain information from its official sources.

Before that, media outlets indicated that the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development is heading, next week, to officially announce the abolition of the sponsorship system in the Kingdom after the implementation of 7 decades.

Sources reported to the Saudi newspaper, Mal, that the Saudi Ministry will announce an initiative aimed at improving the contractual relationship between the expatriate worker and the employer, which is the initiative that officially means the abolition of the sponsorship system in the Kingdom.

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