


Looking for a job in Saudi Arabia? This is why the labor market is heading to in the Kingdom

  The job market changes from time to time depending on many factors. In Saudi Arabia, the labor market is a renewable and diverse one, with many changes occurring on a continuous basis.

In addition, the Saudi market contains many competencies of various levels, experiences, and specialties, which makes research in accurate ways a necessity so that job seekers can increase their chances of finding suitable jobs.

A recent survey titled "The Future of the Labor Market" showed that the majority of professionals in Saudi Arabia are optimistic about the future, as 81% of respondents in the Kingdom stated that they either feel confident about the future of the labor market and will achieve success, or are enthusiastic and look forward to a world full of opportunities.

 Future of jobs and job roles

The demand in this period increased for many jobs as a result of the changes in the business situation. Respondents in Saudi Arabia see the demand for doctors (74%) that will increase in the future, along with software engineers (73%) and network administrators (72%).

Management departments in companies are supposed to play an important role in determining the future of work, creating a distinct culture, adopting remote work policies, in addition to facilitating access to the required learning programs. When the issue of moving to another job or department was discussed when the demand for their current jobs decreased, about half of the respondents stated that the matter would not be difficult or easy.

Consistent with current expectations, 70% of respondents in Saudi Arabia believe that technological factors (such as digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence, etc.) will contribute to changing the nature of work over the next 10 years.

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