


Say goodbye to air conditioners, a bright white paint for cooling buildings and houses



Scientists have created a paint that can become a substitute in every sense of the word for air conditioners, because even under the influence of direct sunlight it remains cooler than the surrounding air.

   According to Cell Reports Physical Science, for many people, cooling a building is more important than heating it. 

   All the residents of hot regions can not purchase air conditioners, in addition, these devices with cooling air in the rooms cause the air outside to heat up. As a result, the city streets are getting hotter. Also, these devices consume large electrical energy.

Based on this, the scientists propose an economical way to solve the problem of cooling buildings, heated by sunlight in hot countries. This method is the use of an unusual bright white paint that reflects the sun's energy into space in three ways simultaneously.

   Firstly,  the paint reflects 95.5% of the sunlight falling on it. Secondly, it reflects the bulk of the ultraviolet rays by reflecting direct sunlight, without being heated by its effect. And third, it emits infrared waves, which reach more than 37 watts per square meter on a sunny day. These waves are emitted by the coating in the narrow band, where Earth's atmosphere is transparent. Thus, the painted surface "releases into space" the heat obtained from contact with the surrounding air.

  Tests have shown that even at noon the temperature is 1.7 degrees Celsius cooler than the air. At night, the difference is greater, reaching 10 ° C.

  Its good to know that attempts to invent such a coating began in the 1970s, and now they are crowned with success. Interestingly, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) forms 60% of the basis for this paint and the rest is traditional acrylic paint.

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