US scientists are suggesting to use a fast and effective method to disinfect surfaces of the emerging coronavirus, using cold atmosphere plasma with argon gas.
according to the journal 'Physics of Fluids' that cold atmospheric plasma(CAP) is an ionized gas close to room temperature that has proven effective in treating cancer and healing wounds and in dentistry, as well as in disinfecting various surfaces, including food. Atmospheric plasma stream has been shown to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, but its effect on the emerging coronavirus was not known.
UCLA scientists created a cold plasma unit based on a 3D printer that is used to spray liquids at atmospheric pressure limits, and tested its efficiency in disinfecting surfaces contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This method eliminated the virus on all surfaces: metal, plastic, leather and cardboard, in just three minutes, and killed 30% of viruses within just 30 seconds. In the same way, medical masks were disinfected.
According to the researchers, this technology allows in a short period to produce equipment to disinfect surfaces from the coronavirus, which is an effective and safe method compared to the method of using chemical compounds. The widespread use of this technology would be a breakthrough in stopping the spread of "Covid-19.