Dr. Zahra Pavlova, an endocrinologist, revealed the necessity of eating meat and explained what happens to the body when you give up eating it.
According to her, red meat (beef, lamb) is the best source of high-quality protein, with essential amino acids. Meat is also high in mineral and non-mineral elements and vitamins important for health.
She says, "But the value of meat is that it contains rare, easy-to-absorb mineral elements, vitamin b12, and iron. As is well known, vitamin b12 is very necessary for the nervous system, and its deficiency causes paresthesia in the hands and feet, movement problems, anemia and fatigue, memory loss, hallucinations and paranoia." .
She added, the deficiency of iron, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells of the body, leads to anemia and a decrease in cognitive functions of the brain. It is believed that animal liver contains a high content of iron, and that red meat is rich in vitamin b12, as the results of recent studies showed that 100 grams of meat provides 64% of the body's daily need of it.
The doctor advises not to eat red meat more than 203 times a week, and instead eat fish, poultry and rabbit meat.