Biologists studying the strains of different peoples of the world have discovered anti-coronavirus proteins in East Asian populations.
By calculating protein generations, scientists have come to the conclusion that the process of adapting the region's population to coronary virus infection began 25,000 years ago.
Researchers at the University of Adelaide of Australia and the University of Arizona of the United States studied proteins owned by 26 people representing 5 continents and selected those that handled coV-VIP viruses well and participated in the formation of immunity against them or used by viruses to capture their cells. Scientists recalled that the protein components of every human people changed throughout their history. After each epidemic, all people retains special proteins capable of resisting the virus that caused the outbreak or the outbreak.
In the past two decades, coronary virus strains have triggered three major epidemics, including the SARS epidemic in 2002 in China, the MERS epidemic in 2013 in Saudi Arabia, and the Coved-19 epidemic.
It is well known that throughout its history, humanity has witnessed systematic viral epidemics. Modern technologies allow for the identification of traces of their legacy in the genetic memory of each people.