Sleep specialists have uncovered a number of things that are not recommended to do before bedtime
Sleep experts advise not to read the news, because it may raise anxiety in the person, which prevents his smooth transition to a peaceful sleep. As well as avoid getting into intense and tense discussions before bed. The results of scientific studies show that it is difficult to overcome the negative feelings that these discussions cause.
Sleep experts do not recommend doing any work in bed, so that "the bed in the brain is associated with sleep and comfort only." They also recommend not to do physical exercises before bed. And they point out that some people try in this way to stress themselves in hope to sleep peacefully, but the result is quite the opposite.
According to them, it is not recommended before bed to drink stimulant drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, because they cause sleep disturbance.
Experts do not recommend using the phone at night or leaving lighting in the bedroom, because it signals the brain that it is time to wake up. Light also prevents the brain from releasing the hormone melatonin, which is released in response to darkness and aids sleep.