Samsung Electronics on Wednesday denied rumors that it will stop producing the Galaxy Note series next year, saying that the flagship Alphabet line will live despite the emergence of other premium devices.
There has recently been speculation that Samsung may reconfigure its premium smartphone range with galaxy Z folding devices and Galaxy S devices after abandoning the Galaxy Note family, which has been highlighted by the Features of the S-Pen.
Sources familiar with Samsung's plans told Reuters that the company has no plans to develop a new version of Galaxy Note for 2021.
"We are preparing to launch the Galaxy Note series next year," an anonymous Samsung official told South Korea's Yonhap News Agency.
Earlier on Wednesday, Samsung's head of mobile phone industry Roh Tae-moon hinted that the korean phone manufacturer plans to support the S-Pen in more Galaxy devices as well as Galaxy Note devices.
Industry officials predict that Samsung may make the pen available for the advanced model of the Galaxy S21 smartphone, which is expected to be unveiled in January.
While some people claimed that Moon's earlier hints indicated Samsung's suspension of the Galaxy Note series, the official denied the speculation.
"Moon's hints don't mean the Galaxy Note series will stop," the official said.
Samsung introduced the Galaxy Note series for the first time in 2011, and the South Korean company launched the new Galaxy Note 20 models in the second half of the year.
Samsung has provided the following statement: Samsung confirms its plans to bring some of the most beloved Galaxy Note features to more hardware categories in 2021.
"We remain committed to providing the best mobile experience to our customers, and we continue to listen to them actively, and we take into account the views of consumers on all our product innovations.
Given that Samsung has not officially confirmed or denied any of these reports, it cannot be confirmed whether they are true or not.
Both sets of reports are also likely to be correct, and there may be the Galaxy Note next year, but it may be the last.