


How to get rid of scary nightmares

 Sometimes the ordinary stresses of daily life, such as a problem at home or school, trigger nightmares. Professor Roman Bozonnov points out that to get rid of night nightmares it is necessary to avoid stress and not to increase stress.

"You listened and watched the morning news for 15, then there was no need to follow the news all day, because it aggravates stress," he told The Vichernaya Moskva newspaper. It is best to look through the window to the street and the surrounding area. It is possible to roam for some time if possible. Physical activity should also be performed on a regular basis. Because physical activity is the best way to combat and treat stress and anxiety. You can also walk 10,000 steps or run, and no more caffeinated drinks are needed to improve mood."

According to him, "For a good night, a person must have a good day."

The nightmares we see at night are divided into two categories. "First, if a person periodically dreams of different stories. This is a form of daily re-occurrence, where the brain tries to find a way out of a problem. If he succeeds, he will adapt and forget what happened. And the second category, nightmares are obsessed. "The person periodically returns to a scary dream and cannot make the necessary decision, forget about the incident and adapt to it."

Source: Novosti

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