Dr. Jelena Selkovah said that loss of sense of smell (Anosmia) does not necessarily indicate covid-19.
It states that a person may lose the possibility of distinguishing odors due to nasal congestion, as a result of cold diseases or acute allergies. However, when he has Covid-19, he loses his sense of smell without nasal congestion.
"There is no discharge and nasal congestion and nothing to prevent breathing through the nose freely and normally, but after a few days the symptoms of the underlying disease begin to appear," she says.
She adds, loss of sense of smell, possibly a symptom of brain cancer, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. This condition may also develop after myocardial infarction(heart attack).
She says, "The sense of smell also loses when you develop serious chronic diseases, 3-4 years before the beginning of the serious disease,".