


Your car may be recording more data than you know.

A recent NBC News report discusses how much data is collected by your vehicle, and how it can be used by police and criminals alike.

When we think about privacy and who has access to our location data, we often focus on our phones, not on the device that actually takes us to places, our car.

Your vehicle can collect all kinds of data without your knowledge, including location data, when it opens its doors, and even your voice recordings, depending on how up-to-date and capabilities you have.

The NBC News article uses Joshua Wessel, a man accused of murder because the victim's truck had a recording of his voice at the time of the murder.

The report also looks at a company called Berla, which has established a business by extracting such data on behalf of the police.

In general, it is difficult to guarantee any kind of data protection, simply because cars collect a lot of sensitive data.

Berla has the ability to read unique Bluetooth and wireless network ids that have connected to the vehicle's infotainment system, as well as call logs, contacts and text messages.

But infotainment data is not all he can read, as he can also look at the records held by the vehicle's internal computer, detect when certain doors are opened, as well as provide a location record from the built-in GPS.

It is not only the police that have access to this information, with the report stating that an Australian man used an app to access live data from his ex-girlfriend's Land Rover.

Not only was he able to access live information about the car, but he was also able to control, turn it on, turn it off remotely and open the windows.

Many people don't think about the information their cars hold, as used cars may include the information of the previous owner, such as phone number and home address.

Andrea Amico, founder of Privacy4Cars, which creates a free app that helps people delete their data from cars, said: If you're thinking about the amount of sensors in the car, the smartphone is a game, the car includes GPS, accelerometer, camera, the car knows how much you weigh, and most people don't realize this is happening.

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