


Beware of scams targeting cryptocurrency traders through malicious software-equipped apps!


"A widespread campaign of digital fraud has been targeting cryptocurrency traders since January 2020, affecting thousands of users, and its effects may still be still there," the company said.

According to reports, "frauds are carried out using malicious software called ElectroRAT, which spreads through a number of suspicious electronic applications, including Jamm, eTrade and DaoPoker, and has been observed on a number of online platforms and forums such as bitcointalk and Steemcoinpan, and has spread through a number of fake accounts through social media sites."

Experts at Intezer Labs warned that the developers of this malware are planning to target as many victims as possible through devices operating windows, Mac and Linux, and the danger of this software lies in its ability to document what is written through keyboards in devices and make screenshots of their screens, in addition to contributing to the carrying of device data thefts without the knowledge of their users.

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