


How do we contact members of WhatsApp groups if we stop using WhatsApp

Many around the world today use the WhatsApp groups feature to communicate with family members, friends, or even work, but some have begun to fear the application’s new policy that was announced recently.

And if a WhatsApp user thinks about giving up the application for fear of the new policy adopted by it, today he has many messaging applications that guarantee excellent data encryption, especially message data, including the Telegram or Signal application and These applications enable a person to communicate with others through groups that include the same people in the "WhatsApp" groups that he has joined.

To achieve the aforementioned goal with the Telegram application the user must enter the "Google Play" or "App Store" in his phone or smart device and then download the application, after which the user must enter the settings menu, and from there the option to create "New Group" or New Group, and when you click on the option, a list of contacts on his device will appear, through which he can join to the new group the same contacts that he used to communicate with through one of the "WhatsApp" groups.

In case, the user decides to move to the "Signal" application, for example, he must download the application from the "Google Play" or "App Store", and then log into the application, and then create a new group and add the members he wants to, he can Copy the link of this group and send it to the users of the groups that he joined in "WhatsApp" to join his new group in "Signal" in turn.

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