


Science suggests the best ways to quit smoking in 2021

Many people are welcoming the New Year with plans to quit smoking, and there is more evidence than ever on how best to enhance the chances of success, especially in the context of the Coved-19 pandemic.

 According to a report published by Science Alert, here are the different ways science suggests it's worth trying.

1. Behavioral Guidance 

High-quality evidence from more than 300 studies conducted on more than 250,000 people shows that receiving advice on quitting smoking increases long-term quit rates.

2. Remote Support 

The studies found no clear difference between the effects of face-to-face support, versus remote support - for example, consultation over phone or video calls. There is also growing evidence that support for smoking cessation provided via text messages can boost smoking cessation rates.

There is new high-quality evidence that programs that reward people for successfully quitting smoking increase long-term success. These rewards can include funds or vouchers for goods or services.

3. Financial rewards for quitting smoking 

These programs can be offered through the workplace, where many people find it difficult to think about the long-term health benefits of quitting smoking.

4. Use nicotine replacement therapy safely

It can be prescribed by healthcare professionals, but in many countries it is available for over-the-counter purchase from grocery stores and pharmacies.

Evidence suggests that using two forms of nicotine replacement therapy instead of one increases your chances of quitting smoking - in particular, using another patch and shape such as gum, sprays or emulsions.

5. E-cigarettes

A recent review covering 50 studies and more than 12,000 participants found that nicotine-e-cigarettes may help people quit smoking for at least six months and may work better than nicotine-free e-cigarettes and nicotine substitutes.

The review did not find any significant damage. However, we still need more reliable evidence to be confident about the effects of e-cigarettes.

6. Combining medication and behavioral support

Studies show that the use of behavioral support, medical treatment, counseling and medication increases smoking cessation rates.

7. Reduce your smoking

Evidence shows that if you reduce your smoking intake, you're likely to quit smoking in the long run.

When you are ready to try to quit completely, consider using one or more of the methods mentioned above.

Finally, don't be discouraged if you've tried to quit smoking before and it hasn't lasted. Many people who tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking were eventually able to do so.

It may take several times to try to quit smoking once and for all, and there are more ways than ever to help you quit smoking.

Source: Science Alert

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