


How dried fruit protects against bowel cancer!

 Dried plums can reduce the risk of heart and bowel disease and help get rid of excess weight, nutritionists say.

In an interview, nutritionist Jimmy Miller notes that dried plums, rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and K, and mineral elements including calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium, are essential for a large number of body functions. It is also a source of antioxidants that prevent inflammation.

According to nutritionist Leslie Pontchen, dried plums not only help prevent constipation, but also prevent the development of colon cancer because it contains anthocyanins. In addition, dried plum contains contain manganese and copper, which have antioxidant properties and protect healthy cells from damage. "Dried plums are a nutrient rich in dietary fiber that prevents constipation," says nutritionist Erin Kenny. It also contains sorbitol and chlorogenic acid, which may increase the number of bowel sit-ins per day."

Nutritionists agree that dried fruits can negatively affect agility, as they contain high calories. However, some studies suggest that dietary fiber in dried plums helps control weight, reduces appetite by affecting hunger hormone and preventing LDL cholesterol from reaching the blood.

"Dried plums contain three substances essential for bone health: boron, potassium and vitamin K, which play an important role in the formation of osteocalcin - a protein that helps calcium bind to bones. Boron also helps to absorb vitamin D easily."

Experts agree with the results of a study that indicates the benefit of dried plums of the heart, because it contains potassium that regulates blood pressure by reducing tension and pressure on the walls of the arteries.

But on the other hand it causes excessive use of dried plums, gas, flatulence and diarrhea. It is therefore recommended to take one or two pills a day. It may cause high blood sugar levels.

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