


Improve your cardiovascular health to increase longevity

 When it comes to longevity, the focus is generally on food and exercise but a new study has revealed the positive strength not only in promoting longevity but also in reducing depression and heart health.

A new U.S. study found that optimists are more likely to live longer than those with a more negative approach to life. The study indicated that positive people are more likely to live up to the age of 85 or older.

The experts came to this conclusion using two existing groups of people, who recruited for various studies involving 70,000 women in the nurses' health study, and 1,500 men in the Veterans Health Study.

They assessed their levels of optimism, as well as their overall health, and were also asked about exercise and diets, as well as the amount of smoking and drinking alcohol.

The study found that on average, more optimistic men and women had a longer lifespan of 11 to 15%, and were more likely to live up to 85 years of age than the less optimistic group.

"Our findings suggest that higher levels of optimism can boost longevity and healthy aging," said Professor Luina Lee, assistant professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study. Evidence from randomized control trials suggests that interventions, such as imagining a future in which everything is going well, or intensive cognitive behavioral therapy, can increase levels of optimism. "While much is known about risk factors for disease and early death, he does not understand much about what researchers call "positive psychosocial factors" that can help healthy aging.

However, the exact reason why optimistic people lived longer was still open to discussion.

"Preliminary evidence from other studies suggests that more optimistic people tend to have goals and confidence to reach them, are more effective at solving problems, and may be better at regulating their emotions during stressful situations."

Mayo Clinic said researchers continue to explore the health effects of positive thinking and optimism.

The health website continued: "The health benefits that positive thinking can provide include:

• Extending life span.

Low rates of depression.

• Greater resistance to colds.

Improving mental and physical health.

• Improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

• Better coping skills during difficulties and stress times.

Having a more positive view of life does not mean being naïve, but having the ability to deal with hatred in a more positive and productive way.

Positive thinking often begins with self-talk, an endless flow of unspoken ideas in one's head, spontaneous ones that can be either positive or negative.

There are a number of ways in which a person can be more positive, which includes owning a journal of gratitude, spending time with animals or spending more time in nature.

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